Miscellaneous contents

  Miscellaneous-Questions   Miscellaneous-Ans
1 What is the name of animal who eats grass ? 1 Herbivorous
2 What is the name of animal who eats insect ? 2 Carnivorous
3 What is the name of animal who eats grass and animal ? 3 Omnivorous
4 What is the name of animal who eats snow ? 4 Yak
5 What is the name of fear from spider ? 5 Arachnophobia
6 What is the name of fear from dogs ? 6 Cynophobia
7 What is the name of fear from snakes ? 7 Ophidiophobia
8 What is the name of fear from heights ? 8 Acrophobia
9 What is the name of fear of books ? 9 Bibliophobia
10 What is the name of bird which never lays eggs ? 10 Bat
11 What is the name of the animal who can drop its tail and grows again ? 11 Lizard
12 On which date Baisakhi falls ? 12 13 April and 14 th April (once in 34 years)
13 Why we celebrate Baisakhi ? 13 Sikh’s new year starts and Guru Govind Singh (10th Guru) formed khalsa pant
14 What is the name of first sikh guru ? 14 Guru Nanak
15 What is good Friday ? 15 Crucification day of Jesus Christ
16 What is Easter Sunday ? 16 Day followed by good Friday and Resurrection of Jesus from dead
17 When Christmas is celebrated ? 17 Birth of Jesus Christ and it falls on 25 th December
18 How many bones are in shark fish ? 18 Zero
19 How many bones are in Human skull ? 19 22 Skull bones
20 What is the chemical symbol of Oxygen ? 20 O (oxygen)
21 How many countries are members of UNO ? 21 193
22 How many countries are not members of UNO ? 22 Palestine and vatican city
23 Where is UNO headquarter ? 23 New York
24 Which countries became independent on 15 th August ? 24 Congo , Korea, Bahrein and Liechtenstein
25 Which continent is known as dark continent ? 25 Africa
26 What is the name of layer by which Earth is protected ? 26 Ozone
27 What are the name of rays by which ozone layer is protected ? 27 Ultra Violet Rays
28 What is the name of country known as land of midnight Sun ? 28 Norway
29 What is the name of country known as land of rising Sun ? 29 Japan
30 What is the name of white continent ? 30 Antarctika
31 What is the shape of flag of Nepal ? 31 Triangle
32 What is the shape of flag of Vetican ? 32 Square
33 What is the shape of flag of Switzerland ? 33 Square
34 Where is office of Red Cross Society in the world ? 34 Geneva (Switzerland)
35 What is the name of vehicle which can travel over both land and water ? 35 Rovercraft
36 Which part of our body has maximum bones ? 36 Hand (maximum bones )
37 What we call a doctor who treat eyes, heart, teeth, bones and skin ? 37 Eyes-Opthalmologist, Heart-Cardiologist, Teeth-Orthodontist, Bones-Orthopaedic, Skin-Dermatologist
38 What we call a person who does study of rocks and minerals ? 38 Rocks-Geology, Minerals-mineralogy
39 Which material is used in making pencil lead ? 39 Pencil lead- Graphite
40 Which material is used in making pubic stone ? 40 Pubic stones-bubble of volcanic lava
41 What is the name of largest flower ? 41 Rafflesia- largest flower found in Malaysia and Indonesia
42 What is the name of wall which divides East and West Germany which was demolished in 1989 ? 42 Berlin wall (divides east and west Germany)
43 What we call a dot over i and j ? 43 Tittle (dot over i and j )
44 What is the name of feet measuring metallic device at shoe store ? 44 Bannock device at shoe store
45 What we call unreadable hand writing ? 45 Griffonage ( unreadable hand writing)
46 What is the name of Britain’s PM residence ? 46 10 Downing street, London
47 Which bridge is called Tower bridge ? 47 Movable suspension bridge, London
48 What are the name of countries where no official language 48 Australia and USA (no official language)
49 What is the name of largest organ in human body ? 49 Liver (largest internal organ)
50 What is the diet of giant Panda, found in China ? 50 Giant Panda depends on bamboo found in China
51 What is global warming ? 51 Rise in temperature near Earth’s surface due to accumulation of harmful gases.
52 What is the name of parliament in India ? 52 Sansad-India
53 What is the name of parliament in USA ? 53 Congress-USA
54 What is the name of deepest diving bird in the world ? 54 Emperor Penguins (550 meter)
55 By which name study of weather is called ? 55 Meterology-weather study
56 By which name study of stars and planets is called ? 56 Astrology
57 What we call mobile operating system developed by Google ? 57 Android
58 How many states are in USA ? 58 50 states in USA
59 What is the minimum voting age in Brazil ? 59 16 yrs (Brazil)
60 What is the term of election in USA ? 60 Every 4 years (Presidential election)
61 Which operating system is introduced by Bill Gate’s in his microsoft company ? 61 Windows (Microsoft company)
62 Who is world’s first computer programmer ? 62 IBM (International Business School )
63 What is the traditional dress of Japan ? 63 Kimono
64 What is the name of festival of Tamil Nadu which falls on 14th January ? 64 Pongal (Sun Puja)
65 When Lohri is celebrated ? 65 Lohri falls on 13th January, celebreted in Punjab around fire.
66 What is the name of the fish who swims fast ? 66 Sail fish
67 What is the name of the African Nation famous for chocolate ? 67 Ghana
68 What is the name of the country from which Bangladesh is separated ? 68 Pakistan
69 Where is Face book Head Quarter ? 69 California
70 What is the name of the country known as land of cakes ? 70 Scotland
71 What is the name of the animal who uses skin as respiratory system ? 71 Frog
72 What is the name of the country where no words in national Anthem only music is found ? 72 Bahrain
73 How many hours in IST is ahead of GMT ? 73 5 hrs 30 minutes
74 What is the name of the country where no cinema theatre is found ? 74 Saudi Arabia
75 What is the name of red planet ? 75 Mars
76 What is the name of the country (continent) which lies between Indian and Pacific Ocean ? 76 Australia
77 In which country Mt Everest is located ? 77 Nepal
78 In which state of India garampani wildlife sanctuary located ? 78 Diphu (Assam) 3 hot water springs
79 What is the name of layer by which earth is protected ? 79 Ozone layer protects Earth from ultra violet rays
80 What colour symbolises peace ? 80 White
81 Where is Commonwealth games Head quarter and for how many years interval games are held ? 81 London and every 4 years
82 Where is headquarter of UNO ? 82 New york
83 Who is architect of Rock garden in Chandigarh ? 83 Nek chand
84 What is the name of line on which day and nights are equal ? 84 Equator
85 What is the reason behind onion smell ? 85 Sulphur containing chemical
86 What is the name of gas used in ripening the fruits ? 86 Ethylene
87 When Bangladesh was formed ? 87 1971
88 Which planet is known as evening star ? 88 Venus
89 What is the name of planet which is nearest to earth ? 89 Venus
90 What is the name of 1st Hindi speaking Robot ? 90 Rashmi
91 At which place Titanic (British Ocean liner) sank and in which year ? 91 North Atlantik Ocean in 1912 with 2200 passengers
92 How teddy bear name came out ? 92 US President , Theodore Teddy Roosevelt, who once set a bear cub free
93 What is the name of hottest continent ? 93 Africa
94 What are main Oceans of the world ? 94 5 Oceans-Pacific, Atlantic,Indian, Sourthen and Arctik
95 What is the name of play ground of golf ? 95 Golf course
96 What is the name of Queen’s residence of U.K. ? 96 Buckingham palace
97 What is the name of residence of U.S President ? 97 White house
98 What is the name of residence of PM of India ? 98 7, Lok kalyan marg , Delhi
99 What is the name of residence of President of India ? 99 Rashtrapati Bhawan
100 What is pure water ph level ? 100 7
101 What are the names of 7 sisters state of India ? 101 Arunachal, Assam,Manipur,Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura
102 Where is white elephants found ? 102 Thailand
103 In which city international court of justice is located ? 103 Hague (Netherland)
104 What is the name of photosynthetic organisms of a tree ? 104 Leaf
105 When lunar eclipse occurs ? 105 Full moon day
106 Who is founder of ford car ? 106 Henry Ford in 1901
107 Who is known as father of economics ? 107 Adam Smith
108 What is state language of Nagaland ? 108 English
109 What is the name of yellow colour in cow milk ? 109 Beta carotene
110 Where is HQ of international Red cross society ? 110 Geneva (Switzerland)
111 Where is HQ of international court of Justice ? 111 Hague (Netherland)
112 How many languages are onIndian currency note ? 112 15 languages
113 Who is authorised to sign currency notes and one rupee note ? 113 RBI Governor and Finance secretary
114 Where are Indian currency printed ? 114 Nashik (Maharashtra), Mysore (Karnataka) & Dewas (MP)
115 What are the motifs on different currency notes ? 115 Rs.5–Tractor, Rs10(old)-Rhinoceros,elephant &tiger, Rs10(new)Konark,Sun temple, Rs20-Mount Harriet,Port Blair, Rs50-Hampi with chariot, Rs100-Rani ki Vav, Rs200- Sanchi Stupa, Rs500- Red Fort and Rs2000-Mangal yan
116 Who is the designer of Rupee sign ? 116 Uday kumar (English R and hindi रा representing tricolour)
117 What is the name of first RBI governor ? 117 C.D.Deshmukh
118 Who is founder of ISRO ? 118 Vikram Sarabhai
119 How many launching stations in India ? 119 Shriharikota (Satish Dhawan space centre) near Chennai (A.P.) Thumba(Thiruvantpuram) (Vikram sarabhai space centre) Abdul Kalam island also known as wheeler island, 150 km from Bhubneshwar
120 What is the name of first satellite built in India ? 120 Aryabhatt
121 Who was Aryabhatt ? 121 Mathemetician and Astronomer
122 What is the name of first Indian to go into space ? 122 Sqn Leader Rakesh Sharma (2-4-1984)
123 From where Aryabhatt was launched ? 123 From Russia on 19 April 1975
124 Where is ISRO head quarter? 124 Banglore
125 What type of work is done at ISRO ? 125 Satellites are designed,developed,assembled and tested here
126 What is the name of place where launch vehicles are developed ? 126 Launch vehicles are developed at Vikram Sarabhai space centre (thumba)
127 What type of activities are done at Satish Dhawan space centre, Shriharikota ? 127 Launches take place, it is ideal space port (nearness to equator)
128 What is the purpose of PSLV ? 128 PSLV used to place satellites to low earth orbit
129 Where is DRDO head quqrter ? 129 Delhi
130 What is South Asia Satellite ? 130 It is GSAT-9 launched on 5 May 2017 from Shriharikota by GSLV-09 for 6 countries (Afganistan, Nepal, Bhutan,Maldiv,Srilanka and Bangladesh)
131 From which launching station Missiles are launched ? 131 Abdul Kalam island
132 What is the name of vehicle used by Astronauts ? 132 Space Shuttle
133 Which galaxy has Earth and Sun ? 133 Milkyway Galaxy
134 By which name Saptarishi known as ? 134 Ursa Major (constellation)
135 Where rail coaches are manufactured in India ? 135 …Sonipat (Haryana), Kapurthala (Punjab), Perambur(Tamil Nadu), Raebareli(U.P.), Latur(Maharashtra)
136 Where rail Engines are manufactured in India ? 136 …Chitranjan (West Bengal),Diesel locomotive works, Varanasi (UP)
137 Where is head quarter of HAL in India ? 137 Bengalore
138 What is the name of airport of Delhi ? 138 Indira gandhi International Airport
139 What is the name of airport of Mumbai ? 139 Chatrapati shivaji Maharaj International Airport
140 What is the name of airport of Kolkatta ? 140 Netaji Subhash chandra Bose International Airport
141 What is the start and end point of Aravali Range ? 141 Delhi start point passing the Haryana and Rajasthan ends at Palanpur (Guj), 692 km
142 What is the name of highest point of Aravali Range ? 142 Guru shikhar (Mt Abu) 5650 feet
143 What are the name of main rivers originate from Aravali Range ? 143 Sabarmati,Luni,Banas and Sakhi
144 What is the name of highest peak of Himalaya ? 144 Mt Everest 8848 meter (29029 feet)
145 What is the length of Himalaya range ? 145 2400 km
146 How many countries cover Himalaya Range ? 146 Bhutan,China,India,Nepal and Pakistan
147 What are the name of main rivers originate from Himalaya ? 147 …Ganga from Gurumukh in Gangotri, glacier of Nanda devi and Kedarnath.
…Brahmputra from Bhagirathi glacier at Tibet, ends in Bay of Bengal, it covers Assam, Arunachal and also in Bangladesh with Meghna river.
…Indus river.
148 How many mountains are included in Himalaya Range ? 148 50 mountains.
149 What are the name of main rivers flow towards Arabian Sea ? 149 …Mahi river, originate from Jhabua distt (MP) and ends at Khambhat bay.
…Sabarmati, originate from Aravali hills in Udaipur distt, flows in Gujarat and meets at Khambhat bay.
150 What are the name of main rivers flowing towards Bay of Bengal ? 150 Chambhal river, originate from Mhow (MP) flows through MP,Rajasthan and meets Yamuna river at Muradganj. Gandhisagar dam is built over this river near Mandsaur distt in MP.
151 What are the name of 3 important peaks of Himalaya in India ? 151 …Kanchan junga (8586 meter or 28169 feet ) . Himalaya …Nanda devi (7816 meter or 25643 feet), Himalaya. …Kamet (7756 meter or 25446 feet)

Miscellaneous contents V2

  Misc -Questions  Misc- Answers
1What is the name of scientific study of trees ?1Dendrology
2How many stars are found in US flag ?250 stars
3What we call plastic money ?3Credit card and Debit card
4What is the name of largest moon of Saturn ?4Titan
5Where is the most dense jungle found 5Amazon
6On which substance Mona Lisa Painting is painted ?6Wood
7What is the name of African country famous for chocolate ?7Ghana
8What is the name of blood purification organ in our body ?8Kidney
9What is the name of study of birds ?9Ornithology
10What is the name of carrier of malaria 10Anopheles mosquito
11What is the name of study of external structure of plants ?11Phytomorphology
12What we call fear of shadow ?12Sciaphobia
13What is the name of  study of plants ?13Botany
14What is the distance of Marathon race ?14 42.195 km (26 miles 385 yards)
15Who developed super computer in India ?15Param developed by C.DAC (Centre for development of advanced computing. HQ at Pune)
16What is Wikipedia ?16Its free online encyclopedia hosted by wikipedia Foundation
17Where is HQ of Samsung ?17Seoul, South Korea
18Where is Serum Institute and what functions laid down by it ?18Pune, manufacturer of covishield, vaccine for corona. CEO of serum institute is Adar Poonawala. Other vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech situated at Hyderabad and manufacturing covaxin.
19What is the name of study of viruses ?19Virology
20What is the name of the land surrounded by water on 3 sides ?20Peninsula
21Which is the largest Peninsula ?21Arabian Peninsula, it includes Kuwait, Oman , Qatar, UAE, Yemen, Persian gulf,and gulf of Oman. 
22What is largest Archipelago ?22Indonesia
23What is Archipelago ?23Chain of island grouped together
24What is the name of smallest micro organisms ?24Virus
25What is the name of lighest metal in the world ?25Lithium
26What is the name of common preservative used in Pickle and James 26Sodium Benzoate
27What is the name of continent with only one country ?27Australia
28What is the name of continent which is also largest island ?28Australia
29In which country great barrier reef found ?29Australia
30Who discovered great barrier reef ?30James Cook ( navigator)
31What is the name of smallest continent ?31Australia
32What is the name of longest river in the world and in which continent it is found ?32Nile river in Africa
33What is the name of continent where 50% gold of the world is found ?33Africa continent
34What is the name of the continent which has no desert ?34Europe
35What is the name of study of soils ?35Pedology
36What is the name of study of disease 36Pathology
37What is the name of study of Universe 37Cosmology
38What is the name of study of Rocks ?38Lithology (description of physical chracterstics of rocks)
39What is the name of study of Music ?39Musicology
40What is the name of study of mankind ?40Anthropology
41What is the name of study of Environment ?41Ecology
42What is the name of study of Fossils ?42Paleontology
43What is the name of study of Religion ?43Theology
44What is the name of study of Flags ?44Vexllology
45What is the name of study of teeth ?45Odontology
46What is the name of fear of darkness ?46Iygophobia
47What is the name of fear of crossing the street ?47Dromophobia
48What is the name of fear of death ?48Necrophobia
49What is the name of fear of going to doctor ?49Lactrophobia
50What is the name of fear of speed ?50Tachophobia
51What is the name of fear of strangers 51Xenophobia
52Which vitamin deficiency causes night blindness ?52Vitamin A
53Which vitamin deficiency causes Rickets ?53Vitamin D
54Which part of the plant is ginger ?54Stem
55What is the name of chemical technology which converts base metal into gold ?55Alchemy
56With which game Grand prix term is related ? 56Motor Racing
57Which country invented Volleyball game ? 57USA, but national game of Srilanka
58From which country originated Baseball ? 58England but national game of Cuba
59What are the colours of 5 olympic rings ?59Red, Green, Yellow, Blue and Black (BBGRY)
60What is the name of Helicopter which fly on Mars on 19th April 2021 ? 60Ingenuity. It’s small robotic helicopter , part of NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission
61How Earth quakes is measured ?61On Richter scale
62What is the unit of loudness of sound ?62Decible
63What we call study of universe ?63Cosmology
64Who is authorised to declare global emergency ?64WHO (World Health Organisation )
65Which mineral is commonly found in teeth, milk and limestone65Calcium
66Where is maximum Aluminium found in the world ?66China
67What is study of landforms called ?67Geomorphology
68Which type of rock is granite rock ?68Instrusive igneous rock
69What is the name of area where volcanic activity happens ?69Ridge
70What is the Mascot of Olympic 2021 ?70Miraitowa (mirai means future and towa means eternity, it is Japanese word) and Someity (means so mighty, it is an english word). 
71What is the name of animal which never drinks water in entire life ?71Kangaroo rat
72What is the name of enzyme found in saliva ?72Ptyalin
73In which country news paper is printed on clothes ?73Spain
74What type of rock can heat the water in hot spring ?74Magma, it’s a type of rock
75What is a cook strait ?75It separates North and South island of New Zealand
76Which place is referred as Roof of the world ?76Pamir knot / Pamir Mountain in Tajakistan
77By which name Sun’s outermost atmosphere is called ?77Corona
78Who is the 2nd Indian born woman to fly into space ? 78Sirisha Bandla on 11 July 2021
79Who is the 1st Indian origin woman to go into space ?79Kalpana chawla on 18 Nov 1997, died on 1st Feb 2003, born in Haryana
80What is the name of woman Astronaut who spent 322 days in space station ? 80Sunita Williams, born in US, spent 322 days in space station
81What is Judo ?81It is a modern form of martial art
82What is Kung Fu ?82It is a Chinese martial art
83What is Taekwondo ?83It is a martial art of Korea.
84Who receives the white belt martial art ?84Beginners
85Who receives the black belt martial art ?85Who becomes masters in all skills
86Who introduced the belt system in martial art ?86Jigoro Kano (Japnese)
87Who promoted Judo in India ?87R.N.Tagore after 1882
88Which planet rotates clockwise ?88Venus
89Which is the fastest spinning planet ?89Jupiter , it has shortest days
90In which mission water was detected on moon ?90By Apollo 14 in 1971
91What is the reason for acid rain ?91It occurs due to sulphur dioxide and Nitrogen
92What is the name of metal which is found in the Earth’s crust abuntantly ?92Aluminium
93In which country black forest is found ?93Germany
94What is Bulldog Ant ?94The most dangerous ant in the world found in Australia, it attacks many times
95What is the name of fish (female) which puts its eggs in the pouch of male  ?95Seahorse
96What is the name of fish which has its heart in its head ?96Shrimp
97How many compartment of stomach Giraffe has ?97Four
98By which name sodium carbonate is known ?98Washing soda
99By which name sodium bicarbonate is known ?99Baking soda
100By which name calcium carbonate is known ?100Limestone
101What is the name of the most poisonous fish in the world ?101Reef stone fish found in western Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean
102Which fish is known as king of fish ?102Hilsa fish or Macher raja found in rivers of India, Pakistan and Bangla desh
103Which species of fish is fastest fish which can swim 112 km/hour ?103Black Marlin found at Australian coast
104What is the name of highest mountain of Africa ?104Mount Kilimanjaro
105What we call scientific study of Earthquake ? 105Seismology
106Which two sea are connected by Suez canal ?106Mediterranean sea and Red sea
107Which two Oceans are connected by Panama canal ?107Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean
108By which material plaster of paris is made ?108Gypsum
109What is the name of acid which is used in car batteries ?109Sulphuric acid
110What is the name of chemical which is used in preserving food ?110Sodium Benzoate
111What is the chemical name of vitamin C ?111Ascorbic acid
112Where is crossroads of the world ?112Time square ( New york)
113How martial word is derived ?113It is derived from Mars, the Roman God of war
114Who is known as King of Pop music ?114Michael Jackson
115What is the name of Penguin who can dive upto 300 meter ?115King Penguin ( largest fish )
116What is the other name of dry ice ?116Solid carbon dioxide
117Who was the last Mughal Emperor ?117Bahadur shah zafar died in  1862 in Rangoon, Burma
118Who is father of atomic bomb ?118J.Robert oppenheimer
119Where is largest Volcano in the world 119Mauna Loa ( Hawaii )
120Where is tallest Volcano in the world ?120Mauna kea ( Hawaii )
121Where is Lonar lake in India ?121Maharashtra (lake formed due to collission of meteor around 52000 yrs ago
122Which island is known as Rainbow island ?122Hormuz island of Iran
123Where is Panjshir valley in the world ?123Afghanistan
124Which animal does not have vocal cords ? 124Giraffe 
125What is the reason of chicken pox ?125Varicella-Zoster virus