Invention list

  Inventions–Questions   Inventions-Ans
1 Who is inventor of mechanical printing press ? 1 Johannes Gutenberg
2 In which city Vascodaga died ? 2 Cochin (Kochi)
3 Who is inventor of Smart phone ? 3 Michael Aldrich
4 Who is inventor of X-Ray ? 4 wilhelm Roentgen ( German Professor)
5 Who is inventor of Coca cola ? 5 John Pemberton (Atlanta 1896)
6 Who is inventor of Modern car ? 6 Karl Benz (German Engineer)
7 Who is inventor of moving stairway which later developed in Escalator ? 7 Jesse W Reno ( an American)
8 Who is inventor of Microwave oven ? 8 Dr Percy Spencer
9 Who is inventor of Pendulum clock ? 9 Galileo ( Pendulum clock)
10 Who is inventor of small pox vaccine ? 10 Edward Jenner in 1796
11 Who invented Earth revolves round the Sun ? 11 Nicolaus Copernicus
12 Who is inventor of blood group ? 12 Karl landsteiner
13 Who discovered Cuba ? 13 Christopher Columbus
14 In which year colour transmission of TV started ? 14 1982
15 What is the first invention by Edison ? 15 Electric bulb
16 Who is inventor of Radio ? 16 Marconi
17 Who is inventor of Transistor ? 17 Bardeen,Brattain and Shockley
18 Who is inventor of Pressure cooker ? 18 Denis papen
19 Who is inventor of Mobile ? 19 Martin Cooper
20 Who is inventor of Lift ? 20 E.G.Otis
21 Who is inventor of Microphone ? 21 E.Bertiner
22 Who is inventor of Polio vaccine ? 22 Jonas salk
23 Who is inventor of Virus ? 23 Dmitry Ivanovsky in 1982
24 Who is father of computer virus ? 24 Delbruck
25 Who discovered that bacteria causes disease 25 Louis Pasteur
26 Who is inventor of Penicillin ? 26 Alexander Flaming
27 Who is inventor of Rubber band ? 27 Stephen perry
28 Who discovered theory of relativity ? 28 Einstein
29 Who is inventor of filament in a bulb ? 29 Tungston
30 Who is inventor of Dynamite ? 30 Alfred Noble
31 Who is inventor of Refrigerator ? 31 Oliver Evans
32 Who is inventor of Helicopter 32 Igor Sikorsky
33 Who is inventor of Television ? 33 Baird
34 Who is inventor of Car ? 34 Karl Benz (1885-86)
35 Who is inventor of Motor cycle? 35 Daimler (Germany-1876)
36 Who invented theory of evolution ? 36 Charles Darwin
37 Who invented theory of law of heredity ? 37 Gregor Mendel (Austrian Monk)
38 Who invented germ theory ? 38 Louis Pasteur (French Scientist)
39 Who invented coffee filter ? 39 Melitta Bentz in 1908, a German house wife
40 Who invented Kaleidoscope? 40 David Brewster in 1816, a Scotish
41 Who invented electric stove ? 41 Lloyd Groff Copeman , an American
42 Who invented ECG? 42 Willem Einthoven

Inventions V2

  Inventions–Questions Inventions–Answers
1Who invented ceiling fan ?1Philip Diehl
2Who invented Vitamin C ?2James Watson
3Who invented vitamin E ?3Herbert McLean and Katharine Scott Bishop
4Who invented Passport ?4First time used by King Henri v, UK . Started in 1414. In India 1920
5Who invented Sodium Saccharin (Benzoic sulfimide ) ?5Constantin Fahlberg in 1879
6Who invented smallpox vaccine ?6Edward Jenner
7Who invented Stethoscope ?7Rene Laennec
8Who invented Penicillin ?8Alexander Fleming
9Who invented Anthrax Vaccine ?9Louis Pasteur
10Who invented Disposable Syringe ?10Colin murdoch
11Who invented blood group ?11Karl Landsteiner
12Who invented microscope ?12Hans Janssen
13Who invented laws of motion ?13Newton (3 laws ) (UK)
14Who invented calculator ?14Blaise Pascal
15Who invented Doctor’s mercury thermometer ?15Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit
16Who invented Oxygen ?16Pristly
17In which year world wide web is invented ?171989
18Who invented Camera ?18Nicephore Niepce in 1816 app.
19Who invented Skype ?19Niklas Zennstrom and Janus
20Who invented Matchstick ?20John Walker in 1827
21Who invented Sandwich ?21John Montagu in 1762
22Who invented Velcro ?22George de Mestral in 1907, Swiss Engineer
23Who invented Pacemaker ?23Wilson Greatbatch in 1950
24Who discovered the aspect of Ozone layer ?24Charles Fabry &Henri Buisson in 1913
25Which country originated Accupuncture therapy ?25China